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Party With Me

Create and find parties with your friends

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Simon Köck
In Production

Do you like parties? Party With Me is a Party-Managing-App in which you can find parties nearby and start parties with your friends. Party With Me is now available on both Android and iOS.

What is Party With Me?

Party With Me is a Party-Managing-App for young people. In the app you can add friends and create your own parties. You can also find relevant parties in your area. So if you are sitting at home bored, try out Party With Me.


The first version of the App was released in Jan. 2023. The app got a lot of good feedback but was still full of bugs, which got fixed in the next few days and weeks. Due to the marketing strategies, the user count has increased enormously in the first days.

For the developers

Unfortunately Party With Me can’t be open-source but I can tell you a bit about the infrastructure behind Party With Me. The backend was written nearly entirely in TypeScript. As an API we use an Express-REST-API with an extended access-control (don’t even try it :D). The main frontend-framework is react-native, which also uses TypeScript.

Cheers, Simon Köck

© 2023 Simon Köck. All rights reserved.